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Uniform Definitions

septiembre 24, 2016


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VDR developed industries glossary together with DRV Committee on which deutsche GeschaftsreiseVerband together with the Committee of the German holiday (DRV) business travel creates VDR clarity in technical terms in the business travel segment. The Working Group has developed uniform definitions for technical terms and compiled in a glossary. In the focus are subject-specific terms of business travel, which were previously often not uniformly interpreted or used. For this, a clear and commonly agreed definition is clear now. The glossary to facilitate collaboration of business travel agencies in partnership with corporate customers: what’s included in a transaction fee, as a business travel center is different from the travel office and the implant or what components belong to a booking offer? The definitions should help to dispel misunderstandings in the communication and to prevent them. «Communication can be successful only on a common basis. Thus all the participants the best business travel market «working together, it requires therefore a uniform understanding of technical terms», so Dirk Gerdom, VDR President. «The standard is a useful tool especially for newcomers to the business travel.» In the elaboration of definitions experts from different disciplines – including legal, operations, sales, controlling, IT and business development – which the Committee represented companies, as well as an expert of the VDR participated.

«The DRV glossary business travel represents a guide for all market participants, but has no legally binding character», explains Stefan Vorndran, Chairman of the DRV-business travel, the intention of this glossary. The document the DRV Committee on a regular basis is on its relevance check and, if necessary, to revise and supplement. The document, glossary can be viewed at and downloaded. Frankfurt am Main, Germany, July 20, 2011 company description Association of German travel management e.V. (VDR) of the Association of German travel management e.V. (VDR) represents the Interests of German companies on the topic of business travel management. He committed to efficient, economic, safe, unhindered, global travel opportunities for businesses. With its over 500 member companies, it stands for a total turnover in the business area of more than ten billion euros. More information:. Company contact: German travel management association Julia Anna Eckert Darmstadter Landstrasse 125, 60598 Frankfurt / Main Tel: 069 – 69 52 29 33 E-Mail: Web: