Etiqueta: History
Guatemala Hilda Gadea
Che Guevara and the socialism repercussion in Latin America To speak inside on the construction of the idea of heroes of the media and in History, either it of Brazil or the world, was something very common during much time. Although, this practical is not more acceptable in the Historiografia, as well as in current the pedagogical and educational proposals. On the other hand, the media continues to exert this function. Amongst some personages who before the media had as hero and today has as humbug, detaches controversial the socialist Che Guevara, as focus of base for our quarrel. In first place, we need to world-wide know a little on the life of this known revolutionary leader as Che Guevara. Ernest woollen Guevara Serna is born in the Argentine city of Rosary in day 14 of June of 1928, in the seio of an aristocratic family, however of socialist ideas.
Since small he suffers attacks from asthma and therefore in 1932 if dumb one for the mountain ranges from Crdoba. He studied great part of basic education in house with its mother. In the library of its house it had workmanships of Marx, Engels and Lenin, to which if it made familiar in its adolescence. Ernest Guevara was formed in Medicine, for the college of the University of Buenos Aires. In July of 1953, he initiates its second trip for Latin America. In this chance he visits Bolivia, Peru, Equator, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Guatemala. When visiting the aboriginal copper mines, populations and the leprosrios, Ernest of the samples of its deep humanismo, go growing and exaggerating its revolutionary way to think and its firm antiimperialism. In Guatemala Hilda Gadea knows, with who if house and whose union its first son is born. According to it, ' ' the revolution was the only possible solution to finish with the existing social injustices in Latin America ' '.
The Protocol
noviembre 5, 2016
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What we will see in nazism ' is the adaptation of this call; ' eugenia positiva' ' guiding the reproduction? for one ' ' eugenia negativa' ' exterminando considered ' ' genetically incapazes' ' .12 In Germany, this science received the name from ' ' hygiene of raa' ' .13Alm of these more famous scientists, we find in the academy an intense concern in studying the Jewish people. In the second half of century XIX, Gustave Good Le, in a magazine scientific, it said that ' ' between its feelings, its ideas and of the Aryan peoples, exist true abismos.' '. In another work, a doutorado thesis of, the doctor Henry Meige speaks on ' ' Jew errante' ' as one ' ' pathology nervosa' ' , evidently as ' ' a characteristic of its raa.' ' 14Ainda as consequncia of the emancipation, cases of pogroms for the Europe had been multiplied, over all in the eastern part. In Russia, the proper government stirred up the antissemitismo. At the beginning of century XX, sponsored for the czar Nicholas II, widely was divulged a plain presumption of domination of the world for the Jews? The Protocol of the Scholars of Sio. Before this, the solicitor of the Snodo Saint would have said: ' ' that 1/3 of the Jews emigrate, 1/3 if convert the Christianity, and 1/3 morra.' ' Already a minister promises that ' would leave; ' the situation in so intolerable Russia that the Jews will be forced to emigrate until last homem.' ' At crisis moments sets of ten were blown up, until hundreds of attacks the Jews. In the year of 1905, when the country was defeated in the war against Japan, they had only been 690 pogroms.15Mesmo in the part occidental person of the Europe appeared antissemitas associations and was rare some political party not to place the Jewish question in its plataforma.16 To declare itself enemy of the Jewish ones was a form to conquer seguidores.17 In France, exactly where a century revolutionary they clamavam for equality, ral cried out ' ' death to judeus' '.